😁 Time to Reclaim Happiness During Divorce 😁

divorce Jan 21, 2025

Divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences in life, often leaving individuals feeling lost and overwhelmed. However, it's important to remember that happiness is not lost forever. In fact, you can reclaim it and even find new joy during this transition. Here are some essential facts about happiness to help you gain a greater understanding to reclaim your happiness during and after a divorce.

Happiness is not just about your internal feelings. It is influenced by your friends, family, and relationship with the broader community.

Hugs make you happier. Don't just trust me, Harvard research confirms this.

Music and sports will make you happier. For the greatest benefit, get those dancing shoes on .

Time to invest in your health. People who are happier produce around 50% more antibodies.

Just twenty minutes of exercise, three days a week for six months, will likely increase your sense of happiness by 10-20%.

Fake it until you make it! Smiling actually makes you feel...

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Are you truly well in your relationship, or just alive?Β 

divorce Jan 20, 2025

Are you truly well in your relationship, or just alive? 

"The quote by Marcus Valerius, 'Life is not merely to be alive but to be well,' resonates deeply when it comes to the decision to separate and divorce. In my conversations with clients, the core question often is: Should I stay, or should I go? 

Many people struggle within their relationships for a long time. They have been alive, but have they been well? This is a question I help my clients navigate as we explore the complexities of choosing the path of divorce.

It's not an easy choice, and in many cases, it can be the brave choice. It's about identifying what truly makes an individual not only alive but also happy and joyful. Can they realistically see this happening within their existing relationship, or do they need to leave to find happiness elsewhere? I always remind my clients that time is the one commodity we cannot buy back. We must not take it for granted.

So, if you're wondering whether to...

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Strategies to help your children stay strong during divorce

children Feb 26, 2024

Plan ahead

Take some time to think about how to talk to your child about the divorce. Consider their age and what they can understand. Find a comfy and relaxed place to have the conversation.

Stick together

Try to talk to your child together with your ex-partner if you can. This shows that you both agree and will keep working together as parents, even though you won't be together as a couple.

Keep it simple and age-appropriate

Use words and explanations that your child can easily understand. Skip the grown-up talk. Just focus on letting them know that things are going to change, but they will still be loved and taken care of.

It's not their fault

Make sure your child understands that the divorce is not because of anything they did or didn't do. Reassure them that it's about the grown-up stuff and not about them.

Give lots of love and support

Tell your child that you and your ex-partner will always love them and be there for them. Let them know that even...
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